Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Malaysia Boleh!

The International Festival blasted itself at the NUC last Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.Being from Malaysia (I am not bias at all) think that the Malaysians did the best and I am very proud of them. Overall, we won second.

Malaysia Boleh! (Famous Malaysian slogan for "Malaysia can") -- Now that I think of it, maybe Obama stole it from us (Yes we can?) Hmm... I would have to get back on that.

Anyway, I thought that the festival went very well. Kudos to the International Student Council for pulling off a memorable event. The array of colors and east-meets-west diversity was stunning. The food was really good too, probably the highlight of the event.

Performances were good, some countries obviously better than others. *coughmalaysiacough*. All was good until the infamous-played-as-many-times-as-the-number-of-women-tiger-woods-cheated-on-his-wife-with-times-a-thousand Gangnam style was performed by the Korean Student Association.

I think that Psy needs other inspiration. The world needs a rest from Gangnam. Maybe we should all give our full attention to Justin Bieberthe bombing in Gaza.

Kim Do Yeon, a senior in Advertising was part of the horse-riding party.

"Yes, I think that the Gangnam style is overplayed but who cares? It's fun and while it's hot let's just get op op op op oppa Gangnam style!"

I know I should have probably gotten a better quote, but life happens. :)

All in all, it was a great day. It was honestly fun sharing the culture with others. I was actually surprised at the amount of knowledge I know about my country. It's been years since I have studied Malaysian history. I guess you just don't know how much you know until you are asked. Foreign people just bring it out! The International Festival was a great effort and should be done every year!

Petra holding a "kompang", a traditional Malay slap drum. I am wearing a fisherman's hat and a "baju batik" (silk shirt). The Baju Batik is an outfit usually worn at Malay and government functions and events. It is really light and comfortable.

The folks from Malaysia performing a traditional Malaysian dance called the "dikir barat". This dance is believed to be able to ward off evil spirits.

I can't wait til the next one!

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