Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Finale Cometh

The time has come. The quieter-than-usual library stirs up chatter and whispers of frantic prayer with study guides laid in front on individuals, as clean as mountain spring water ready to be mud with lashes of ink. Time spent staying up all night hanging out and internet surfing is now channeled to slaving to pages and pages of information.

Finals is just around the corner. Next week, to be precise. 

Coming from country where people are stereotyped to be "smart" and extremely hardworking because of our Asian descent. it's ironic that I am not. People assume that we are always prepared by the time finals come around we have to spend less time preparing. 


The truth is, we are just as unprepared as the rest of us. Students, the majority are alike. Procrastination is intrinsic. 

In fact, the reason why I came to America to study is because of the way the education system functions. In the American system, finals are often not accumulative and course work and attendance and participation is integrated in the final grade. For the British system, 90% of your final grade often leans on ONE day. If you mess up, you're done for. No extra credit. No way of making up the grade. 

I feel smart for not putting all my eggs in one basket. But that also means that I cannot afford to slack all semester as I used to do in school. this system keeps me consistent and going all semester, which I prefer. 

For now, I can roughly figure out my grades and I am happy. But finals can always turn the tables on the grades. Therefore, I am going to study now, maybe.