Thursday, September 20, 2012

Walk in one's shoes before flinging yours at them!

Variety and heterogeneity in the world is what give our world color. However, our differences hatch a number of sensitive topics. Politics is one. Religion is another. The term "freedom of speech" is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas.

 Somehow nations that have "freedom of speech" seem to be oblivious to the fact that people have feelings.

I believe that when the forefathers envisioned the concept of "freedom of speech", they meant it as a means to free oppression. But now, I feel that "freedom of speech" is doing just the opposite.

The New York Times reported that a newspaper in France published crude caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. There was even the intention to publish Muhammad "naked and  in pornographic poses".

I think that this portrays an extremely high form of oppression and disrespect. Just because you can, doesn't mean you must.

Growing up in a melting pot society, Malaysians are taught to be courteous and respectful to differences.

To be honest, I think that some form of censorship by the government might not be such a bad idea. It prevents problems that could break out to wars.

Maybe i'm just tired of hearing of one man disturbing peace of the entire country.

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